Accept your weakness.
Weakness is one of the parts of us that we want to hide in the deepest, darkest ravine of our mind. It is the thing that we do not want to mention, the thing we do not want to face. And, it is the thing that we do not want to welcome.
It is that thing. That thing, that we know we are not good at. We know that that it is not our comfort zone; we know that we do not want to be anywhere near it. And, we know, deep in our mind, silenced like moonlight in the latest night, we know that we do not want to accept our weakness; we just want to run away from it, and do not talk about it ever again. We know.
However, another thing that we know, but we are constantly lying to ourselves. The thing that we want to keep off of our minds. That thing is the truth. The truth that weakness comes to strengths. Without weakness, there is no strength. Strengths make you better. And to acquire strengths, you have to overcome weaknesses. You have to stop running away from the problem, stop hiding from the problem. Otherwise, you are the problem.
Acknowledge it. Acknowledge your weakness, but do not accept it. Do not accept your weakness. Do not accept that you are weak. Do not accept that you cannot do that, do not accept it. But, accept. Accept that you are not that person. Accept that you can do it better. Accept that the person that is shining their light over you is really no better than you. And, you can be the person standing there shining that light.
Overcome your weaknesses, gain strengths. Get up, and train, fight, dream, and succeed. Turn your weaknesses into strengths, turn your fear into bravery, and turn yourself, into your better self.
The easiest way to overcome your weakness is to accept it.
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