Listen to what your body tells you

3 min readApr 23, 2021


Everything in this world has its own biological clock, including humans.


Many thousands of years ago, the daily routine of us humans is practically the same. Since there was not much happening, everything that we do was pretty much to survive. We get up in the morning, hunt and gather, and go to sleep at night. Everyone was having the same routine, the daily clock didn’t vary much between individuals.


However, our daily routines today are significantly different from what our ancestors have been doing. Day and night don’t seem to matter much to us. Some people wake up early and go to sleep at night. Some stay up at night and sleep during the day. Some might shift between those two routines every now and then.


The major cause that influences the change of our biological clock is the light. Light is what our brain uses to tell our body to wake up or to go to sleep. Back then, there was no other light than the sun, which goes up in the morning and goes down at night. Therefore, our ancestors’ bodies were functioning according to the sun, they feel sleepy as soon as it gets dark.


Nowadays, there are lights everywhere. We have lights from buildings, streets, and everything around us. Even when we are working, the computer and mobile phone screen emit light directly to our face. That way, the brain misunderstood that it is still daytime and makes us don’t feel sleepy sometimes. That’s the reason why our daily clock varies so much, our exposure to light is different due to different lifestyles. Therefore, some people are the early birds, and some are the night owls.


However, the important point is that our body is actually developed to function accordingly to only one biological clock, the master clock, the one that our ancestors have been using. You are supposed to wake up in the morning, feel tired in the afternoon, and go to sleep at night. Doing anything apart from that could be bad for you in long term.


The master clock can be changed. You might night not feel sleepy at night, that’s because you have been sleeping late for a long time, and your biological clock has adapted to your lifestyle. However, the thing that has adapted was just your brain. You don’t feel sleepy because your brain tells you not to. But, other organs and systems are still working the same way as the one master biological clock. Therefore, messing them up can prevent your organic system from working at its peak performance.


The best thing you can do is adapt your lifestyle, follow your master clock. Wake up early in the morning, work on your dreams and goals, relax a little bit in the afternoon, continue working until evening, and go to sleep early at night.


This is the routine that most successful people have. They are just following nature, and you are not. They have 24 hours in a day like you. But, they use their time as productively as possible, which includes keeping themselves healthy. Because, you can’t go anywhere if you are sick; therefore, you can’t be so.


If somehow your conditions don’t let you have the same lifestyle as your biological clock are demanding, try your best to be as close to it as you can, at least make sure that you are working at day and sleeping at night. If you have to stay up all night, make sure that you don’t do that too many days in a row.


Balance your work and your health. If you don’t have your body, you can’t do anything. Learn your master clock, nothing is more important than your health, your life.

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